Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Was Mike Vick's sentence too much?

No I don’t think so. I don’t think you can set up our justice system to treat one individual different than others. If the act of dog fighting is so abhorrent then all convicted of the crime should get the same justice. I believe his sentence is fair but others have been treated lightly when they should get the full merit of the law. Those who are likely to commit the act are the ones who got away lightly in the first place. If I am in an environment where “dog fighting” is the norm and my friend is convicted for it and doesn’t receive jail time, it’s going to play a more important determinant in my future actions than what happened to a pro athlete who is no longer part of that community. I don’t think people should say “they made an example out of Mike Vick” but they should say “Mike Vick didn’t receive any special sentencing”.

In my opinion there should be two classifications of incarceration. The first is those who will be rejoining society. These prisoners need to detained grouped in with those who committed the same crime and daily working on actually correcting the behavior which is not acceptable and the establishing a skill set which allows the prisoner to immediately cope with society upon release. The second class is those we deem a risk to society and not to be released. They should be housed as humanely as possible structured around a restrictive internal society. Each class is now intermingled and prisoners are housed by the severity of behavior. There is little treatment going on and very little done to make the prisoner ready to be reintroduced to society.

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