Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Why do People find God in Jail?

I used to wonder that too until I thought about it like a building. God represents the ground and the person is a building. They start on this solid ground with a foundation that is provided and build their life. The more they build the stronger the foundation has to be. If the foundation is weak the building will eventually collapse. They used to have a lot of rooms to go to in the building and never thought about the ground below it which always stayed firm. Once the building collapsed they have no more rooms to go to, but the ground was there and still firm. They only thing they have left is that solid piece of ground they started with. They can now decide to rebuild with another shaky foundation or build smartly with a better foundation. They are unsure what to do and the only thing they feel they have left is the ground. The great thing is you can help them pick a better foundation. They won’t have all the best tools and they will only know the blueprints for that shaky foundation but with some hard work they can acquire more tools and start anew with a better plan. The trick is helping them in that short time they spend with you.

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